How to start mini importation business in Nigeria


When we discuss the Mini importation business in Nigeria, it is important to understand that it is not merely an entrepreneurial venture; it’s a lucrative avenue for creating substantial income with relatively low capital investment. Low capital investment? Yes, because you don’t need to break the bank or have a warehouse to be part of this innovative business model.

This innovative business model allows you and I to import goods in smaller quantities at wholesale prices, typically from countries like Bangladesh, Turkey, China, the USA, and the UK, and sell them in the Nigerian market at a profit.

To succeed in a mini-importation business, you need to master the art of promoting your mini-importation business using various marketing strategies tailored to the Nigerian market. Remember that what works for country “A” may not work for country “B” and so on.

You have to consistently monitor the trends and customer preferences, and adapt your business strategies accordingly. Hey! I think I am moving too fast so before we continue, let us understand what the mini-importation business is all about.

What is Mini Importation Business?

I know that you know that “Mini” means small and “Importation” means bringing goods into the country. Now, we can say that Mini importation business involves importing goods directly from overseas manufacturers or wholesalers (in China, Bangladesh, USA, Turkey, UK, etc.) in small quantities. This model is particularly attractive due to its low entry barriers and minimal financial risk compared to traditional large-scale importation. As I mentioned in the beginning, you don’t need vast sums of money or a warehouse full of goods to get started. Instead, you can begin with a few samples, test the market, and scale from there.

Typically, products that are light, easy to ship, and in high demand, such as electronics, fashion accessories, and beauty products, are popular choices for mini-importers. The business thrives on the pillars of e-commerce platforms, social media marketing, and a keen sense of market demands. Now that you know what mini-importation is all about, let’s talk about how to start a mini-importation business in Nigeria.

How to Start Mini Importation Business in Nigeria

1. Choose a Profitable Niche

You are a Nigerian. Right? Ask yourself, what do Nigerians like to buy?

Selecting the right niche is paramount in the mini-importation business. It’s not just about what sells, but what sells well and offers considerable profit margins. For instance, during my initial foray into mini-importation, I focused on fitness trackers—a niche that was booming at the time due to increased health awareness among Nigerians. Now, can you get a picture of how to select the right niche?

Insider Tip: “Always analyze market trends and consumer behavior before settling on a product niche. Tools like Google Trends can provide invaluable insights”

2. Source for Products

You have chosen the right niche. It’s time to source for products in that niche that you have chosen. Finding the right products is the next step. Online platforms like






Amazon and others serve as primary hubs for sourcing products. It’s crucial to compare prices, check reviews, and order samples before committing to bulk purchases. Remember, the goal is to find quality products at the lowest possible price to maximize your profit margin. Alright?

3. Choose a Reliable Supplier

You have chosen the right niche and right product but if your supplier is not reliable, there is going to be a problem. Your supplier’s reliability can make or break your mini-importation business. During my second year in the business, I switched suppliers due to consistency issues and it made a significant impact on product quality and customer satisfaction. Ensure your supplier has good reviews and is responsive. Communication is key to avoiding misunderstandings and ensuring that products meet your specifications. I know you wouldn’t want to do business with a supplier who is not always available to answer your questions.

4. Calculate the Cost of Importation

Money doesn’t grow on trees. Even if it does, it takes time for a tree to grow. Right? Understanding all costs involved is critical. This includes the cost of goods, shipping, customs duties, and other fees. Many new importers get blindsided by unexpected costs that significantly eat into their profits. Use a cost calculator and factor in all expenses to determine your selling price appropriately. Let’s assume that the cost of a product is ₦10 and it will take ₦2 to ship it down to Nigeria and of course to your exact location then it means that you are spending ₦12 on that product. Getting a clear picture of the cost of importation will determine how much you are going to sell the product. 

Insider Tip: “Always add a contingency of at least 10% to cover unexpected costs.”

5. Register Your Business

It is very important not to underestimate the relevance of law in the importation business or any other business especially when you are dealing with the general public. Legitimizing your business is not just about compliance; it also boosts customer trust. Register your business with the appropriate Nigerian authorities, such as the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). This step ensures that you can open a business bank account and operate legally in the country. You can start with a business name registration and move to a company in future.

6. Create an Online Store

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is indispensable. Platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, or even local Nigerian platform like OFAyes  allow you to set up an online store with ease. Ensure your website is user-friendly, and integrate secure payment options that cater to the Nigerian market.

7. Promote Your Products

Effective promotion is crucial to the success of your mini-importation business. Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to reach a broader audience. Consider leveraging classified listing platform like OFAyes and other online advertising platforms, influencer collaborations, and email marketing to boost your visibility.

How to Promote Your Mini Importation Business in Nigeria

If you have imported a product into the country, it is time to sell it and to sell it, people need to know about it. This is where promotion comes in. Crafting a robust promotional strategy involves understanding where your potential customers spend most of their time. In Nigeria, classified ads listing platform OFAyes  and social media platforms have a massive following and can be highly effective for marketing. Creating engaging content and running targeted ads can help increase your reach and sales.

OFAyes marketplace has a promotion package known as O.P.P which simply means OFAyes Premium Packages. They include Bronze Business, Silver Business, Golden Business, Diamond Business and Diamond Hybrid. These packages allow you to boost your ads, appear on top of every other ad and be featured in a strategic part of the website so that you can get a maximum result. To get started, click here

Insider Tip: “Use Facebook’s demographic targeting features to reach potential customers based on location, age, and interests.”

Additionally, consider offline methods like word-of-mouth, partnerships with local businesses, and participating in trade shows and fairs. These methods can significantly enhance your business’s visibility and credibility. Imagine telling your friend that you are selling shoes and your friend buys from you and someone sees the shoe on his/her leg and asks, where did you buy this shoe? Your friend is going to direct the person to you and that’s how the news spread.

Real-Life Success Story: Wazobia’s Mini Importation Journey

Wazobia’s Journey to Success

Wazobia, a young entrepreneur based in Lagos, Nigeria, always had a passion for fashion and accessories. With a keen eye for trendy products, she decided to venture into the mini-importation business to bring unique items to the Nigerian market.

Discovering a Profitable Niche

After thorough market research, Wazobia identified a growing demand for affordable yet stylish handbags among young professionals in Nigeria. She saw this as a lucrative niche to explore in the mini-importation business.

Building Relationships with Reliable Suppliers

Through online platforms and trade fairs, Wazobia connected with reputable suppliers in countries known for quality handbags. By establishing strong relationships with these suppliers, she ensured timely deliveries and consistent product quality.

Marketing Strategies That Paid Off

Wazobia leveraged OFAyes Marketplace, social media platforms and collaborated with fashion influencers to promote her products. By showcasing the unique designs and affordable prices of her handbags, she quickly gained a loyal customer base.

Scaling Up and Sustaining Success

As demand for her handbags grew, Wazobia expanded her product range to include other fashion accessories. By staying updated on market trends and continuously seeking feedback from customers, she managed to sustain her success in the competitive mini-importation industry.

Wazobia’s journey exemplifies how passion, research, strategic partnerships, and effective marketing can lead to success in the mini-importation business in Nigeria.

How to succeed in mini-importation business in Nigeria

If you have done everything I discussed above then succeeding in a mini-importation business won’t be a problem. You also have to understand that success in the mini-importation business hinges on more than just importing and selling goods. It requires strategic planning, ongoing market research, and continuous adaptation to changing market trends. You have to be proactive and also develop the right attitude for business.

Stay Updated: Keep abreast of global and local economic changes that could affect product prices or consumer purchasing power. It is your business to know what is going on in your industry. Read articles and the latest news and if you have the means, attend workshops and seminars.

Customer Service: I mentioned where you can promote your products ranging from word of mouth, and classified listing platforms and marketplaces like OFAyes, Jiji, Jumia, Konga and social media platforms. One common attribute of these platforms is that they encourage users to rate sellers based on their customer service. Trust me, you don’t want to get a bad review about you and your products.  Providing excellent customer service can set you apart from competitors. Respond promptly to inquiries and resolve issues swiftly. Alright?

Analyze Your Competitors: Understand what your competitors are doing right or wrong. Learn from their successes and mistakes to refine your business strategies. Customers and potential customers are constantly looking for where they will get value for their money. Always be the best, be fast and affordable.


Starting and succeeding in a mini-importation business in Nigeria requires diligence, strategic planning, and a deep understanding of market demands. By choosing the right products, working with reliable suppliers, and effectively promoting your business, you can build a profitable venture in this dynamic market. Remember, the key to success lies not just in selling, but in selling smart—aligning every step with strategic insights and operational excellence. Thank you for reading. I hope you have learnt something new.

Mini-importation Frequently Asked Question

Who can start mini-importation as a Nigerian?

Any Nigerian with access to the internet and basic computer skills can start mini-importation.

What is mini-importation in e-commerce?

Mini importation involves buying goods from foreign suppliers at a low cost and selling them for profit locally.

How can I succeed in mini-importation as a Nigerian?

To succeed, research profitable products, find reliable suppliers, set competitive prices, and provide excellent customer service.

What if I don’t have a large capital to start mini-importation?

You can start small by focusing on low-cost items, testing the market, and reinvesting profits to grow your business gradually.

How do I handle customs and shipping challenges in mini-importation?

Work with reputable shipping companies that understand customs regulations, and factor in shipping costs when pricing your products.

What if I face stiff competition in the mini-importation market?

Differentiate your products by offering unique items, providing exceptional customer service, and marketing your brand effectively.

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